Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Correct food/nutrition for your dog

In this post I'd like to cover some basics of why to feed your precious dog with real raw food instead of a 'homemade cooked diet' or a commercial dry kibble.

From what I've seen on the market today real raw foods are either freeze-dried/dehydrated or fresh raw. The latter is normally sold frozen or fresh.

If you are reading this blog right now, and do still feed your dog with dry kibble, please, think of it for a bit, read my previous post with a link to a website that covers commercial kibbles, and buy real raw dog food immediately.

I tried commercial dry kibble (a variety of brands) on my 2 previous of them passed away quite early and unexpectedly. The other one got seriously ill because of the food. That's right - the commercial dry kibble is causing harm to your dog's body and is making your dog sick.

If you feel that you're uncomfortable with the consistancy or smell of the fresh raw foods, go ahead and purchase freeze-dried or dehydrated foods. Keep in mind that handling raw foods requires regular cleaning and very often desinfection of the utensils to prevent the germs growth in your kitchen and the dog's feeding place.

You should definitely read at least one book on raw foods. I'd recommend this one written by Carina Beth MacDonald (click on the image for more information on this book at Amazon):

In general the book teaches you on how to prepare real raw meals for your dog from the human grade ingredients from any grocery store.

If you have got a dog that already has got some sort of ailment, e.g. hip dysplasia, infections, bad coat condition, bloat, allergies, etc. start feeding raw right away. It will aid in recovery tremendously. 

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